A Tour Around The Oldest University In New Zealand

Last year, I joined a tour, organised by Lizzy Lukeman from the alumni office, to learn more about the University of Otago. The tour started with a little history of the university, which was the first university in New Zealand. It was founded in 1869 and started with three professors and 81 students. The university has since grown, whereby today, it has more than 22,000 students, 1,500 academic and research staff and 2,000 general staff. From the tour, I learnt about the various facilities and interesting architectural design, and enjoyed a different perspective on the campus. The first highlight was the getting to know the university’s student association, the Otago University Student Association (OUSA). It represents the voice of students in the university and provides different services to enhance student’s life at the campus. Lizzy showed us to the radio station and the office of student magazine, Critic, managed by OUSA. Then, we went to the OUSA’s building that serves $...