
Showing posts from June, 2017

My first international conference experience: the 2017 Global Studies Research Conference

Searching for my first international conference on my research interest in globalisation, I stumbled upon Common Ground that hosts the Global Studies Research Network. My application was accepted and I attended the 10th Global Studies Conference (8-9 June 2017) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before I share my conference experience, I want to express my gratitude to be given this conference experience by the generosity of: 1. my institution, the University of Otago for providing the logistics and, 2. the Global Studies Research Network for providing free participation by selecting me as its Emerging Scholar Awardee . The 10th Global Studies Conference On my scholarly experience: Globalisation and Global Studies Globalisation is an area of study to examine the complex cross-border movements such as policies, practices, people, products and pollutions. As an emerging area of study, the Global Studies can provide a key to understand...

An Emerging Scholar Awardee: My Networking and Chairing Experiences

Earlier this month, I attended the 10th Global Studies Conference (8-9 June). It was an exciting experience because: 1. It was my first conference abroad .  2. I was one of the recipients of the Emerging Scholar Award! 3. It was held at the prestigious National University of Singapore (NUS).  Benefits With the award, I received three great benefits: 1. An invitation to the conference that eliminated the registration fee, an important helping hand to my self-financed PhD journey. 2. An excellent networking position. 3. A boost to my academic conference experience because we had the roles of a chairperson in parallel sessions, technical assistant for presenters, leader of the Talking Circles, and presenter of my research.  Amongst these given responsibilities, I enjoyed the chairing role. Some of the awardees. Networking Conferences are essential to meet new people, exchange ideas and create future collaborations. An Emerging Scholar Awardee ...

Dear PTPTN, PhD does not pay me a salary

Dear Malaysians, PTPTN and Ministry of Education, I humbly ask for your permissions to service my loan after I complete my PhD degree, please? I am a Malaysian, a third-generation Chinese, born and raised in Malaysia. Self-financing my PhD study in Higher Education Development Centre, at the University of Otago, New Zealand. Without the financial support from any institutions, I have to juggle between my PhD work and the financial stress of student fees, living expenses and the poor currency exchange. Such stress would not allow me to service my undergraduate study loan, a valid reason to support my application of delaying the payment. I received the approval from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN), although I was warned that the interest rate of the loan will continue to accumulate . I believe the key role of a Government is to protect its citizens. I had to count the blessing that I was reducing the chances not to be barred from travelling abroad. Tr...