Dear PTPTN, PhD does not pay me a salary

Dear Malaysians, PTPTN and Ministry of Education,

I humbly ask for your permissions to service my loan after I complete my PhD degree, please?

I am a Malaysian, a third-generation Chinese, born and raised in Malaysia. Self-financing my PhD study in Higher Education Development Centre, at the University of Otago, New Zealand. Without the financial support from any institutions, I have to juggle between my PhD work and the financial stress of student fees, living expenses and the poor currency exchange.

Such stress would not allow me to service my undergraduate study loan, a valid reason to support my application of delaying the payment. I received the approval from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN), although I was warned that the interest rate of the loan will continue to accumulate. I believe the key role of a Government is to protect its citizens. I had to count the blessing that I was reducing the chances not to be barred from travelling abroad. Trusting that, at least, PTPTN gave the option to support Malaysians acquiring a further intellectual degree.

On June 6th, 2017, I was in Malaysia heading to Singapore. My university supported my logistics to attend a conference at the National University of Singapore (NUS). There, I would receive my award as an Emerging Research Scholar by the Global Studies Research Network.

However, at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2, the Immigration barred me from leaving the country. I was dumbfounded. The PTPTN officer explained that I was blocked because I have not serviced my ballooning loan. He would only 'release' my passport if I paid a minimum RM 3,000, a big amount to a struggling student. I argued that I wasn't making an income and the corporation approved my delayed payment application. He merely shook his head, indicating that the delayed payment approval was pointless to apply. Left with less than 30 minutes to the boarding gate, I had no time to negotiate or I would miss my flight, an unnecessary expense. I sought help from my family to make the payment.

Malaysia is a society that treasures education. To support our national development with research and innovation, the Government aims to have 60,000 PhD holders by 2023. The local media trumpets if Malaysia-related citizens made it into elite universities and our citizens are proud of these bright minds. My study is in line with the national aspiration for a global knowledge society. I develop knowledge networks with researchers from various countries that could potentially bring knowledge and research opportunities for our society and country. Such opportunities are in sync with our national goals for development but could only happen if PTPTN does not give me additional financial barriers.

However, now I am fearful. Will PTPTN block my travels again? First, I am only left with 1 year to complete my degree but the additional financial pressure might restrict me to a timely completion of my degree. Second, I need to attend conferences and conduct research abroad. In view of my financial plight and the PTPTN delayed payment approval is insignificant, could someone please give me an alternative solution to my financial woo?

Yours Truly
A PhD Candidate with Financial Barriers


  1. It is unfortunate that this has happened to you.

    Unfortunately, the only way to prevent this from happening again will be to personally go to PTPTN with the relevant documents & refuse to leave until they can guarantee that they have removed you from the blacklist.

    Such is the challenge of working with a gigantic bureaucracy.

    1. Thank you for sharing the strategic method to negotiate with the bureau.

      My experiences have left me with many doubts of their guarantee.
      A big question is why even give the option of delaying payment?
      Many complained of similar experience but they are in the workforce, defaulting payment is unbecoming in this era.
      I would also argue that education (pre to higher education) is like healthcare (pregnancy to old), it has to be from the state coffer. Isn't that why citizens pay taxes?


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