My body and mind wellness at Barre Base to relax the busy mind

My love for Barre Base started at the peak of my stress about 6 months ago. Tracy introduced me to this body and mind wellness studio, and thankfully, the fees are within my means. 

Not long after my initial month, 'the six weeks challenge' competition was held. I felt encouraged to take the challenge of attending as many classes as I can. My decision was due to the need to manage my stress of drafting a full thesis before Christmas. I committed myself to 10 classes per week to keep myself from falling apart. While I was fortunate to win the challenge, which was a bonus, it was Barre that actually helped me to stay afloat during that intense period. 

Barre Base classes unwound my constantly engaged mind, which could result in unproductive writing. On weekdays, I usually go to classes at 6pm so that I forced myself to stop working into late hours. If there were morning or noon classes, I would try to attend because I had a good reason to move away from the desk. On the weekends, without my family with me, I tend to work and Barre Base became my self-care moments.

There are classes for core workout and self-care classes that has maintained the wellness of my body and mind. The core workout classes are Barre Base and Barre Sweat. These classes consist of simple ballet moves yet they require good concentration to engage my core and thigh muscles. While I am far from being a graceful ballerina, I enjoy imagining I have swan-like moves. More importantly, I appreciate that these moves are at a well-arranged pace to raise my heartbeat.

Next, the self-care classes are Yoga-Barre and stretch and lengthen. Both classes are slow-paced yoga-based movements with a strong focus on connecting breath to the body. The slight difference is stretch and lengthen has more meditative elements. The music that accompanies these classes are very soothing too. In the past, I have attended lesser self-care classes due to my reluctance to allow my mind to relax. It was a silly decision because these classes do calm my high cortisol. 

Also, the friendly and welcoming teachers at Barre Base make the classes great. They go beyond my expectation of their attentiveness to students' postures. They have a niche skill of pushing me to go a little further with my workout but not overdoing it to my body. For example, I make sure I put in good effort to do push-ups, which I am quite bad at, but do not feel bad if I do not quite achieve eight push-ups in a row. I am thankful to the dedicated teachers who made each class enjoyable. Thank you for your lovely and motivational spirits that kept me well, my dear teachers: Caoimhe, Phoebe, Ana, Mikey, Georgia and Rosa!

I truly appreciate the kindred spirit of Barre Base teachers and friends have given me. They are the soup that warms my soul. I was so surprised when I saw the following post on Facebook. 

Thank you so much, I am so honoured to be chosen as 'the member of March 2019'. It made me feel harder to say goodbye.


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